Quickly Reload Your Neovim Config

Tired of quitting and restarting Neovim every time you tweak your config? There’s a better way! By separating your plugin declarations and configurations, you can quickly reload changes without the hassle. The key is to put your plugin declarations (everything needed to load the plugin) in one file, and the actual configuration in another. For example, let’s look at the zen-mode plugin: Your lua/custom/plugin/zen-mode.lua file would contain the plugin declaration:...

November 18, 2024 · Max Scheijen

Python to Change VIM

The programming language I’m most familiar with is python. I also started to learn vim recently. How can I combine the two? I discovered that I can use python (or any programming language for that matter) to manipulate text in vim. You simply need to read from the standard input, and provide a output. Script So I wrote a basic python script that can lower case a string. ~/.dotfiles/scripts/lower #!/usr/bin/python3 import sys def to_lower() -> str: return sys....

August 22, 2024 · Max Scheijen

Find and Replace in Vim

One of my goals for the remaining part of 2024 is to learn and get comfortable with vim. Both with motions and the editor (NeoVim). I started to work with vim about 2 weeks ago and there is so much to learn. However, I think I have some of the basics covered. One thing I wanted to learn this week is find and replace. This is an operation I use a lot, both in my coding work as in my writing....

August 16, 2024 · Max Scheijen