Python Development Setup

Recently, I started to center my python development around uv and other tooling developed by It allows me to manage python environments, linting and formatting. Managing Python Packages using uv uv is an extremely fast Python package and recently also became a full on package manager. You can install it using curl. curl -LsSf | sh You can then create a new a new Python project, or use an existing one by running the uv init command:...

September 7, 2024 · Max Scheijen

Run Custom Scripts From Anywhere

Lately I started to look into creating simple scripts that can automate some tasks for me. So I started looking into shell scripting. I wanted to run and have access to these scripts from anywhere in my terminal. After watching a lot of Mischa van den Burg I started taking in interest in more thorough note taking. My first script would be for easier note taking. So I took his blog script tweaked it a little, and wanted to make it executable from anywhere in my terminal....

August 15, 2024 · Max Scheijen

Finding files using the terminal

Finding notes or files on your system can be hard. Where did you put that file? We can use command line tools to search for files. One of the easiest ways to find files on your system based on their name is using fd. fd [PATTERN] This will return all the relevant files with your current directory. It will also ignore the patterns from .gitignore by default. Another nice tool to find files is fzf which is fuzzy finder....

August 14, 2024 · Max Scheijen