Python Development Setup

Recently, I started to center my python development around uv and other tooling developed by It allows me to manage python environments, linting and formatting. Managing Python Packages using uv uv is an extremely fast Python package and recently also became a full on package manager. You can install it using curl. curl -LsSf | sh You can then create a new a new Python project, or use an existing one by running the uv init command:...

September 7, 2024 · Max Scheijen

Python to Change VIM

The programming language I’m most familiar with is python. I also started to learn vim recently. How can I combine the two? I discovered that I can use python (or any programming language for that matter) to manipulate text in vim. You simply need to read from the standard input, and provide a output. Script So I wrote a basic python script that can lower case a string. ~/.dotfiles/scripts/lower #!/usr/bin/python3 import sys def to_lower() -> str: return sys....

August 22, 2024 · Max Scheijen