Lately I started to look into creating simple scripts that can automate some tasks for me. So I started looking into shell scripting.
I wanted to run and have access to these scripts from anywhere in my terminal. After watching a lot of Mischa van den Burg I started taking in interest in more thorough note taking.
My first script would be for easier note taking.
So I took his blog script tweaked it a little, and wanted to make it executable from anywhere in my terminal.
# Get the filename
read -p "Enter a filename: " filename
# Get the current date
date=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")
# Set the second brain directory
# Create markdown name based on filename
touch "$directory/$"
# Add formatting
echo "---" >> "$directory/$"
echo -e "title: " >> "$directory/$"
echo "date: $date" >> "$directory/$"
echo "tags:" >> "$directory/$"
echo -e " -" >>"$directory/$"
echo "---" >> "$directory/$"
echo -en "\n" >> "$directory/$"
echo -en "\n" >> "$directory/$"
echo -en "\n" >> "$directory/$"
echo "## Links" >> "$directory/$"
echo -en "\n" >> "$directory/$"
# Open up in NeoVim
nvim '+ normal 2GzzA' "$directory/$"
I ensured that every script in ~/.dotfiles/scripts/
was executable by running
chmod +x ~/.dotfiles/scripts/*
After this I added the scripts directory to the PATH by adding the following line to my ~/.zshrc
export PATH="$HOME/.dotfiles/scripts:$PATH"
Reload my ~/.zshrc
by running
exec ${SHELL} -l
And now I’m able to run
creating a note with formatting in a specific directory.
[[cli]] [[unix]] [[bash]]