The programming language I’m most familiar with is python. I also started to learn vim recently. How can I combine the two?

I discovered that I can use python (or any programming language for that matter) to manipulate text in vim. You simply need to read from the standard input, and provide a output.


So I wrote a basic python script that can lower case a string.


import sys

def to_lower() -> str:

if __name__ == "__main__":

I then made the file executable

chmod +x ~/.dotfiles/scripts/lowercase

and added the script to my path. I for example added the ~/.dotfiles/scripts directory to my path (in ~/.zshrc), allowing me to call the executables name from my shell.

export PATH="$HOME/.dotfiles/scripts:$PATH"

I can now hit !! in vim, and type the name of my script lower and hit enter.

The line below my cursor is now lower cased.

[[vim]] [[python]]