Hi there 👋

Welcome to my website. I’m Max, a Data Scientist and Machine Learning Engineer from Amsterdam. On this page I share my interests, thoughts and learnings.

VPS 101 - Setup & Security

Recently, I developed an interest in hosting my own servers, which led me to explore virtual private servers (VPS). This is the first part of my journey into hosting a Linux server. Setup & Security To experiment with hosting my own Linux VPS, I opted for the cheapest DigitalOcean Droplet, priced as 4$ per month. I chose this primarily for its ease of use and affordability. It suits my needs, there are maybe other providers that offer similar services (at lower costs), but I’m fine with that....

September 13, 2024 Â· Max Scheijen

Python Development Setup

Recently, I started to center my python development around uv and other tooling developed by astral.sh. It allows me to manage python environments, linting and formatting. Managing Python Packages using uv uv is an extremely fast Python package and recently also became a full on package manager. You can install it using curl. curl -LsSf https://astral.sh/uv/install.sh | sh You can then create a new a new Python project, or use an existing one by running the uv init command:...

September 7, 2024 Â· Max Scheijen

Git Bisect to Find Bugs

Say you and your team are working on a project. Somewhere in the last 300 commits a bug was introduced. You searched through the commit and their messages. But you can’t find which commit introduced the bug. Damm what are we going to do… This when you can use git bisect, and there are only two things you need the commits are ordered by time you need to know a commit where the issues was not present....

September 4, 2024 Â· Max Scheijen

Python to Change VIM

The programming language I’m most familiar with is python. I also started to learn vim recently. How can I combine the two? I discovered that I can use python (or any programming language for that matter) to manipulate text in vim. You simply need to read from the standard input, and provide a output. Script So I wrote a basic python script that can lower case a string. ~/.dotfiles/scripts/lower #!/usr/bin/python3 import sys def to_lower() -> str: return sys....

August 22, 2024 Â· Max Scheijen

Remote Access to Homelab using Tailscale

For the last year I’ve been running a small Homelab on a Raspberry Pi 5. It runs a Plex Media Server, Home Assistant, web servers and some Docker images. Until now my Homelab was only accessible from my local network. I was hesitant in making my Homelab remotely accessible (port forwarding , setting up my own VPN). Even though I do a lot of programming and software engineering related things, I’m not too comfortable working with networking side of things....

August 18, 2024 Â· Max Scheijen

Find and Replace in Vim

One of my goals for the remaining part of 2024 is to learn and get comfortable with vim. Both with motions and the editor (NeoVim). I started to work with vim about 2 weeks ago and there is so much to learn. However, I think I have some of the basics covered. One thing I wanted to learn this week is find and replace. This is an operation I use a lot, both in my coding work as in my writing....

August 16, 2024 Â· Max Scheijen

Run Custom Scripts From Anywhere

Lately I started to look into creating simple scripts that can automate some tasks for me. So I started looking into shell scripting. I wanted to run and have access to these scripts from anywhere in my terminal. After watching a lot of Mischa van den Burg I started taking in interest in more thorough note taking. My first script would be for easier note taking. So I took his blog script tweaked it a little, and wanted to make it executable from anywhere in my terminal....

August 15, 2024 Â· Max Scheijen

Finding files using the terminal

Finding notes or files on your system can be hard. Where did you put that file? We can use command line tools to search for files. One of the easiest ways to find files on your system based on their name is using fd. fd [PATTERN] This will return all the relevant files with your current directory. It will also ignore the patterns from .gitignore by default. Another nice tool to find files is fzf which is fuzzy finder....

August 14, 2024 Â· Max Scheijen